Assassin's Creed Games Theme For Windows 7 - Best Window 7 Theem

Eariler i provide you GTA IV & Mass Effect 2 themes for your Windows. this is time for another gaming desktop- The Assassin's Creed Aero theme for windows 7 operating system.
The Assassin's Creed Theme Have:
- The Assassin's Creed Theme.
- Taskbar
- Star menu
- Windows Explorer
- Wallpaper Set
How To Install:
Copy The Assassin's Creed Theme & The Assassin's Creed Theme folder to C:\Windows\Resources and Restart you pc.

Things You Must Know Before Installing Theme:
1.Many 3rd party themes are not installed properly if you dont patch your uxtheme file.Because the GUI of any themes are dependent on these file.typically it doesn't allow user to rewrite windows's original data.SoClick Here to download 1 click Utility tools to patch your uxtheme file.
2.Always create a restore point for critical visual themes in order to protect your system.
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