✬Muslim Unity (Ittihad) is a term that refers to establishing good and peaceful relations among the various Islamic denominations. The primary objective of Muslim Unity or Islamic Unity is to unite all Muslims around the world. Although some divisions such as Ahle Sunni, Ahle Hadith and Ahle Qur'an exist among Muslims, according to the proponents of Muslim Unity these divisions are negligible and Muslims from different countries should forge closer ties with each other. With all the differences Muslims were united and very faithful to their religion. Muslims were the superpower of the world. Muslims were the leaders in setting up the standards for the rest of the world.
It's become cliché to say that Muslims have reduced the religion Islam to rituals and forgotten other important tenets. While it is crucial to practice the main pillars of Islam, for instance, we cannot ignore other basic aspects of the faith that emphasize brotherhood and sisterhood.
►Understand that Muslim unity is not an option. In other words Muslim unity is a Fard/Wajib (obligatory duty) according to Noble Qur'an and Traditions of Messenger of Allaah, Prophet Muhammad(صلى الله عليه و سلم). Consider the following references given below from Qur'an & Hadith !
►Allaah says in the Al Qur'an :
✿"And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allaah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves." (3:103)
✿"The believers are but a single brotherhood. Make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers and fear Allaah so that you may receive mercy." (49-10)
✿"As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, you have no part in them in the least: their affair is with Allaah. He will in the end, tell them the truth of all that they did." (6-159)
►Allaah's Messenger and Our beloved Prophet Muhammad(صلى الله عليه و سلم) said
(Hadith related to Bukhari and Muslim):
✿"The Muslims are like a body, if one part of the body hurts, rest of the body will also suffer." Meaning that the Muslims, whether they are of Chinese, African or Arabian or European origin, are one Ummah and they cannot be separated from each other.
✿ "Believers are brethren, their lives are equal to each other and they are as one hand against their enemy."
✿ "It is not permissible for two Muslims to be annoyed and angry for more that three days."
✿"When Muslims are angry with each other for three days. If they do not compromise then they go away from the limits of Islam and the one who compromise first will enter Jannah (Paradise) earlier."
►The utmost important duty for every Muslim is to preserve and protect the Muslim unity (Ittihad) and not to cause any division in the Muslim rank. O Muslims: Know that union is strength and division is weakness. A building will not be strong except by the cohesion of its bricks. A tower will not arise except on correct foundations and solid principles. So, there are not sects in Islam, we should always call ourselves as Muslims, follower of Islam.
✿Heed the advice found in Surah Hujurat: This 49th chapter of Al Qur'an provides excellent guidance on the kind of behavior that Muslims should avoid to establish Muslim unity. For instance, Allaah, advises us to avoid mockery, defamation, suspicion and backbiting. These are all things which serve to divide us and create hatred, hurt and dissension because one of the famous traditions of Messenger of Allaah, Muhammad(peace and blessings be upon him) says, "A Muslim is the one from whose hands and tongue other Muslims are safe." [Tirmidhi]
►Muslim Ummah is like a Tasbih/Tasbeeh!
A Tasbih/Tasbeeh is used to keep count of Dhikr. It is usually made up of 100 beads which are held together in a necklace form by a thread. As long as the Tasbih/Tasbeeh remains in its original form, it can be used for doing good deeds. However, what happens if the thread rips? The beads fall all over the place and create a mess. Similar is the example of this Muslim Ummah. As long as the Muslims remain united together, good results will come out of them. However, as soon as they are divided, they will create a big mess, which is clearly visible in these days.
We Muslims are busy bickering over whether to fold or unfold our arms during prayer, while the enemy is devising ways of cutting them off.
♥ Make Du'a for Muslim Unity: Ask your Imam to emphasize Muslim Unity as an Islamic duty in his Khutbahs and suggest practical ways it can be achieved in your country or Islamic organizations. Also, suggest to Muslims going for Hajj Pilgrimage to make special Du'a for Muslim unity.
It's become cliché to say that Muslims have reduced the religion Islam to rituals and forgotten other important tenets. While it is crucial to practice the main pillars of Islam, for instance, we cannot ignore other basic aspects of the faith that emphasize brotherhood and sisterhood.
►Understand that Muslim unity is not an option. In other words Muslim unity is a Fard/Wajib (obligatory duty) according to Noble Qur'an and Traditions of Messenger of Allaah, Prophet Muhammad(صلى الله عليه و سلم). Consider the following references given below from Qur'an & Hadith !
►Allaah says in the Al Qur'an :
✿"And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allaah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves." (3:103)
✿"The believers are but a single brotherhood. Make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers and fear Allaah so that you may receive mercy." (49-10)
✿"As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, you have no part in them in the least: their affair is with Allaah. He will in the end, tell them the truth of all that they did." (6-159)
►Allaah's Messenger and Our beloved Prophet Muhammad(صلى الله عليه و سلم) said
(Hadith related to Bukhari and Muslim):
✿"The Muslims are like a body, if one part of the body hurts, rest of the body will also suffer." Meaning that the Muslims, whether they are of Chinese, African or Arabian or European origin, are one Ummah and they cannot be separated from each other.
✿ "Believers are brethren, their lives are equal to each other and they are as one hand against their enemy."
✿ "It is not permissible for two Muslims to be annoyed and angry for more that three days."
✿"When Muslims are angry with each other for three days. If they do not compromise then they go away from the limits of Islam and the one who compromise first will enter Jannah (Paradise) earlier."
►The utmost important duty for every Muslim is to preserve and protect the Muslim unity (Ittihad) and not to cause any division in the Muslim rank. O Muslims: Know that union is strength and division is weakness. A building will not be strong except by the cohesion of its bricks. A tower will not arise except on correct foundations and solid principles. So, there are not sects in Islam, we should always call ourselves as Muslims, follower of Islam.
✿Heed the advice found in Surah Hujurat: This 49th chapter of Al Qur'an provides excellent guidance on the kind of behavior that Muslims should avoid to establish Muslim unity. For instance, Allaah, advises us to avoid mockery, defamation, suspicion and backbiting. These are all things which serve to divide us and create hatred, hurt and dissension because one of the famous traditions of Messenger of Allaah, Muhammad(peace and blessings be upon him) says, "A Muslim is the one from whose hands and tongue other Muslims are safe." [Tirmidhi]
►Muslim Ummah is like a Tasbih/Tasbeeh!
A Tasbih/Tasbeeh is used to keep count of Dhikr. It is usually made up of 100 beads which are held together in a necklace form by a thread. As long as the Tasbih/Tasbeeh remains in its original form, it can be used for doing good deeds. However, what happens if the thread rips? The beads fall all over the place and create a mess. Similar is the example of this Muslim Ummah. As long as the Muslims remain united together, good results will come out of them. However, as soon as they are divided, they will create a big mess, which is clearly visible in these days.
We Muslims are busy bickering over whether to fold or unfold our arms during prayer, while the enemy is devising ways of cutting them off.
♥ Make Du'a for Muslim Unity: Ask your Imam to emphasize Muslim Unity as an Islamic duty in his Khutbahs and suggest practical ways it can be achieved in your country or Islamic organizations. Also, suggest to Muslims going for Hajj Pilgrimage to make special Du'a for Muslim unity.